Dr. Seymour Epstein (1921-2021)
Things Calvin Trillin Forgot To Say
In 1975, journalist and humorist Calvin Trillin wrote about Jacob Schiff and his uncle Ben Daynovsky in the first issue of Moment, trying to figure out why his family entered the United States through Texas and not Ellis Island. Join Calvin, in conversation with Moment’s opinion and book editor Amy E. Schwartz to hear an update on his Jacob Schiff adventures all these years later and what he’s thinking about and working on today.
North Africa’s Forgotten Holocaust with Sarah Abrevaya Stein and Aomar Boum
Under the Nazi, Vichy, and Italian fascist regimes, Jews as well as some Muslims, were subject to race law and internments. In commemoration of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, join Moment Deputy Editor Sarah Breger in conversation with UCLA professors Sarah Abrevaya Stein and Aomar Boum, co-editors of The Holocaust and North Africa. They discuss the experiences of North African Jews during World War II, why their histories have been marginalized and the relationship between Jews and Muslims during that period and how it reverberates today.
This program is cosponsored by the American Sephardi Federation
The Conversation
Readers respond to our January/February 2021 issue.
Spice Box: Our Answer To The Communion Wafers
Our answer to the communion wafers.
JPVP | Reactions to the Capitol Insurrection
What to Do About Antisemitism & Racism with Eric K. Ward
Eric K. Ward, an internationally known expert on the intersection of white nationalism with anti-Semitism, is in conversation with Moment editor-in-chief Nadine Epstein about how anti-Semitism is at the core of white nationalism—and how combatting anti-Semitism is the most efficient way of fighting white nationalism. They discuss the anti-Semitism evident in the recent attack on the U.S. Capitol, the relationship between authoritarianism and white nationalism, racism, Black Lives Matter and more.
This event is a tribute to the memory of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., whose work inspired Ward in his lifelong pursuit of Civil Rights, hosted by Moment Magazine with the support of the Joyce and Irving Goldman Family Foundation.
Lessons For The Future
When I think about the future, when I think about what we’re facing, I think about my own past.
Yiddish Storytelling for a New Generation
Yiddish has a rich legacy of storytelling for children, including both global classics and works that originated in the mother tongue of Ashkenazi Jewry. Join Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone translator Arun Viswanath and Miriam Udel, editor and translator of Honey on the Page: A Treasury of Yiddish Children’s Literature for a wide-ranging conversation with Moment Deputy Editor Sarah Breger about how they are helping to bring the legacy of Yiddish into the twentieth century, their work in relation to broad developments in Jewish history and how it intersects with their own family narratives.
Moment Debate | Does Electronic Surveillance Threaten Democracy?
What undermines democracy is the use of electronic surveillance by government without tight limits: judicial oversight, transparent policies and publicly available information after the fact.
JPVP | Where Do We Go From Here?
Since August 2019, Moment’s Jewish Political Voices Project (JPVP) has been following 30 politically engaged Jewish voters from battleground states.