On Tuesday night, author Walter Mosley joined us at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in New York to celebrate the winners of this year’s Moment-Karma Foundation Short Fiction Contest. Mosley, who judged the contest, spoke about the importance of storytelling in both the Jewish and African-American communities. Contest winners Joan Leegant, Ruchama King Feuerman, Avital Chizhik and finalist Wendy Zierler read from their work.

Wendy Zierler, Avital Chizhik, Joan Leegant, Ruchama King Feuerman and Walter Mosley discuss their work.
Moment is accepting entries for next year’s contest through December 31. Please visit our website to learn more about the contest and submit your entry for a chance to be part of next year’s celebration, and read Joan Leegant’s winning story, “Roots,” in the November/December issue of Moment.