Sarah Silverman's Great Schlep

By | Sep 26, 2008
Culture, Latest

Trying to push American Jewish seniors to vote Democrat, the Jewish Council for Education & Research has enlisted Sarah Silverman as the face of its new hilarious canvassing campaign, “The Great Schlep.”

Besides Silverman’s outrageous tactics (that often flirt with the inappropriate) are talking points such as, “Obama Loves Israel And So Do You” and “He’s Black, Let’s Talk About It,” as well as Silverman’s own assertion that if anyone should be able to relate to outsiders with funny names it should be the Jews.

This comes in the wake of an AJC poll that concluded Jewish voters favor Obama to Republican nominee John McCain 57 to 30 percent. According to AOL News, Obama is sweeping the 18-29 demographic as well, with a 60 percent share.

But what’s most interesting is the AJC’s finding that 13 percent of Jewish voters remain undecided this year. Experts believe that the undecided Jewish vote can’t be the youth—it must be seniors, 65 and above. These seniors aren’t just Grandparents though; they’re bubbehs and zaidehs, nanas and papas comfortably residing in Florida or elsewhere, waiting to be visited by their wonderful grandchildren.

With Silverman alongside, it looks like the JCER is really having a go. In the video, Silverman tries to convince the wonderful grandchildren to threaten their bubbehs with less visits if they don’t vote for Obama on Election Day.

No word yet on how Bubbies for Obama feels about this.

Mindy Gold

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