Poem | The Findings of Yitzhak
“I find it difficult to understand, wrote Yitzhak, why the sun is greater than the moon.”
Poem | “Leadership”
“Violence afoot. He wouldn’t move, but Grace… Said “Sit down, Honey” and he did and there was peace.”
“Prisoner Z” conjures a dystopian world that exists today in countries we can name.
Poem | The Leaves
This poem by Rachel Mennies looks to the leaves for signs of resilience and finds them “more alive” for having braved the dark.
Poem | Kaddish for the Living
Poem | Still Life with Nazi-Looted Art
In hidden bunkers. In gleaming museums.
Poetry | Reheat, by David Israel Katz
David Israel Katz writes us into spaces that negate sense, and importantly, negate our impulse to try to locate sense.
Poem | The Hidden
The terebinth tree in the Arava is at least a thousand years old, as was her mother before her.
Poem | The Mysteries
How to explain the poem that writes itself after the final poem, after the book has closed?
Poem | Fruit of the Land
The fig tree’s fruit falls to the ground, Its purpled flesh still burning.
Poem | Augury
We buy the house next door to my parents, because dread is proportional to the years.