Debra Katz: Ahead of Her Time
She was the go-to lawyer for whistleblower and sexual discrimination claims long before #MeToo got its name.
She was the go-to lawyer for whistleblower and sexual discrimination claims long before #MeToo got its name.
The best-selling author of World War Z and disaster preparedness expert offers advice for how to stay safe from Covid-19 over the next year—and prevent the next virus from wiping out millions.
“Any sacrifice to save human life is, by definition, vital.”
The Passover Haggadah could hardly be more different from the Torah. A Torah scroll is housed in a synagogue.
What does Dr Ruth, a 91-year-old sex therapist who seems to have done it all have to say to a 22-year-old who grew up with little to no sexual taboos?
“There’s no such thing as fake news in a courtroom. There are facts—and we’re going to prove the facts.”
Yossi Shain is a Professor of Political Science at Tel Aviv University and a Professor of Comparative Government and Diaspora Politics at Georgetown University. His most recent book, The Israeli Century and the Israelization of Judaism, is currently a bestseller in Israel and will come out in English in 2020. Moment senior editor Laurence Wolff interviewed Shain in Tel Aviv.
“I’ve often had access to ‘inside worlds,’ whether it’s media or wealth or celebrity, where I’ve then taken a critical perspective.”
Most recently, Waldman says he’s alarmed by the level of bigotry faced by Muslims—often unnoticed by those who consider themselves “persecuted” by, say, gay couples wanting wedding cakes, but who see all Muslims as terrorists and oppose the construction of mosques.
The best-selling writer infuses her new novel on the Holocaust with Jewish legend—in the form of a rare female golem. “For me,” she says, “literature and magic are kind of melded together.”
Robert Siegel spoke with Susan Neiman, author of Learning from the Germans: Race and the Memory of Evil. Read the interview in our September/October 2019 issue here.