With Plans to Withdraw Troops From Syria, Is Trump Still Israel’s ‘True Friend’?

No less surprising than Trump’s decision to withdraw forces from Northern Syria, following a single phone call with Turkey’s Erdogan, was the new defiant energy this move injected in the Republican Party. After sticking with Trump as he struggled to explain the Ukrainian affair, members of his party suddenly found their voice.

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The Paradox of Trump’s Disloyalty Accusation

While some assertions, such as “The Protocols,” declare Jews more loyal to their religious counterparts across the globe, others, such as the Dreyfus Affair, simply declare Jewish people disloyal to their country of residence or citizenship and its ideology or values. For example, according to Golinkin, Jews in Russia were accused of supporting anti-Communist efforts, while in fascist Europe, Jews were accused of promoting Communist ideals.

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Five Things to Know This Week: Annexation Alert and the Deal of the Century

Last Friday, as election results in Israel became clear and as final touches were being put on the U.S. Middle East peace plan, a.k.a. “the deal of the century,” a group of Jewish organizations sent a letter to President Trump essentially asking him to rein in Israel’s re-elected prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

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