Is Biden the Last Democratic Zionist President?
Biden added another staple to his Jewish speeches: “I’m a Zionist.”
Biden added another staple to his Jewish speeches: “I’m a Zionist.”
The specter of Musk as a government “efficiency czar” should give us all pause.
If you’re a regular person who just wants the bottom line, you’ll take a broader look at the polls and find that nothing has changed.
“In addition to Trump’s historic success among Hispanic voters, early indicators suggest he made major inroads with Jewish voters in 2024 as well.”
U.S. elections are big news across the world. It’s hard to think of any nation that won’t be impacted by the outcome.
Will Trump end the war? And how does that fit in with his promise to give Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu a free hand in conducting the conflict?
The millions of dollars and endless hours of work put in by both sides to convince Jewish voters seem to be doing very little to move the needle.
“I haven’t been treated right, and you haven’t been treated right,” the presidential nominee told a gathering of Jewish donors.
“I haven’t been treated right, and you haven’t been treated right,” the presidential nominee told a gathering of Jewish donors.
Examining the role that charisma, deception, scapegoating and even psychopathology might play in the way strongmen leaders attract a following and hold onto power.
Trump, while still widely unpopular among Jewish-American voters, is no longer a pariah with many on the right. And this process of legitimization could translate into votes.
One participant even compared this election cycle to a roller coaster. But will the ride stop on Election Day, or are we in for more twists and turns?