Visual Moment | The World Inside Carl Moll’s ‘White Interior’
Looking into the calm of artist Carl Moll’s 1905 White Interior feels something like inhabiting the imaginative space at the periphery of a dollhouse.
Looking into the calm of artist Carl Moll’s 1905 White Interior feels something like inhabiting the imaginative space at the periphery of a dollhouse.
Phillip Ensler hopes to build on the legacy of the civil rights movement as Alabama’s only Jewish state legislator.
Should Jews be considered “Good Jews” or “Bad Jews” based on their level of observance of Jewish holidays or their feelings about Israel or their political stance? Emily Tamkin, author of the new book Bad Jews: A History of American Jewish Politics and Identities, discusses how these terms have been weaponized against members of the community, what it means to be Jewish and the ever-changing American Jewish identity. In conversation with former CBS News correspondent and Moment contributor Dan Raviv.
Israel, and those following Israeli politics from afar, should prepare for these following scenarios:
The proposed plan would change the balance of power between Israeli politicians and the legal system, and also could be a “get out of jail free” card for Netanyahu.
What’s behind the timing of Trump’s latest rant about the American Jewish community?
All over the country Jews are reconnecting with the land, and some would say the Jewish farming movement is stronger than ever. Wendy Rhein, who bought a 10-acre farm she named Chutzpah Hollow in North Carolina and moved there with her sons in 2021, is one of them. Wendy shares why and how she created a thriving and growing Jewish farm and Adrienne Krone, who has studied Jewish American farms, discusses the movement today and the history of Jewish farming. In conversation with Moment digital editor Noah Phillips, an alum of Urban Adamah, a Jewish farm community in Berkeley, CA.
As we embark on a new year, we can find respite and renewal in the trove of rich and varied museum exhibitions and cultural happenings that are once again burgeoning in our cities.
If as rabbinic sages say, an angel touches us before we are born and causes us to forget all the Torah we have learned in the womb, then we arrive in the world ravenous to learn.
Moment Arts Editor Diane M. Bolz recently interviewed Uth about her latest project for the French Embassy.
What makes a word Jewish? Every word is Jewish when it has a Jewish story to tell.
The First-Ever White House Celebration of Rosh Hashanah