Samer Sanijlawi Knows Israelis “Better Than They Know Themselves”
If Israelis and Palestinians ever enter into negotiations, East Jerusalemite Palestinian Samer Sanijlawi intends to be part of the talks.
If Israelis and Palestinians ever enter into negotiations, East Jerusalemite Palestinian Samer Sanijlawi intends to be part of the talks.
In the 1920s, two strong-willed leaders clashed fiercely over different visions of the Jewish state. Eventually, they became friends.
Thirty years after the Rebbe’s death, is Chabad the most influential Jewish denomination today?
It’s easy to say a Jewish state is not needed from the safety of the United States.
“Trump’s base wants Trump because he’s their messianic hero, but also because he enables a small bloc of religious zealots to use the government to impose their biblical worldview on everyone else.”
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We’re celebrating Independence Day with a special sale on Moment magazine subscriptions. For a limited-time, 1 year print + digital subscriptions are just $17.76.
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Moment, founded in 1975 by Nobel Peace Laureate Elie Wiesel and writer Leonard Fein, is an independent magazine known for its award winning journalism and cultural and literary criticism, and innovative projects. It provides a unique lens on the issues that trouble, concern, and inspire American Jews.
“He is the creature whose yells make night hideous, and whose wares make dreams that poison sleep,” began a Nashville newspaper’s 1886 characterization of the wienerwurst vendor.
The Wisdom Project at Moment: Inspirational conversations with wise people who have been fortunate to live long lives This week’s
We’re celebrating Independence Day with a special sale on Moment magazine subscriptions. For a limited-time, 1 year print + digital subscriptions are just $17.76.
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Moment, founded in 1975 by Nobel Peace Laureate Elie Wiesel and writer Leonard Fein, is an independent magazine known for its award winning journalism and online presence, cultural and literary criticism, and innovative projects. It provides a unique lens on the issues that trouble, concern, and inspire American Jews.
We’re celebrating Independence Day with a special sale on Moment magazine subscriptions. For a limited-time, 1 year print + digital subscriptions are just $17.76.
Each subscription includes:
Moment, founded in 1975 by Nobel Peace Laureate Elie Wiesel and writer Leonard Fein, is an independent magazine known for its award winning journalism and online presence, cultural and literary criticism, and innovative projects. It provides a unique lens on the issues that trouble, concern, and inspire American Jews.
We’re celebrating Independence Day with a special sale on Moment magazine subscriptions. For a limited-time, 1 year print + digital subscriptions are just $17.76.
Each subscription includes:
Moment, founded in 1975 by Nobel Peace Laureate Elie Wiesel and writer Leonard Fein, is an independent magazine known for its award winning journalism and online presence, cultural and literary criticism, and innovative projects. It provides a unique lens on the issues that trouble, concern, and inspire American Jews.