Russia & Ukraine, Explained
As Russia’s invasion of Ukraine intensifies, Moment guides you through the crisis with exclusive interviews, backgrounders and updates.
Jews in the Ukraine
Opinion | The Jewish Obligation to Ukraine
Part of Jewish history in Ukraine is indeed a surfeit of graves. However, to rephrase the oldest Jewish lesson from history: We know the heart of the refugee, for we were refugees.
Blessed at last with an independent country and coming to terms with a double-edged history, should Israel welcome Ukranian refugees?

Some Jewish life surrounds The Great Choral Synagogue in Kyiv, Ukraine.
The Violent History—and Remarkable Transformation—of Jewish Life in Ukraine
When Russia attacked Ukraine, President Vladimir Putin stated that his goal was “denazification.” Historians agree that there is no substance to this claim—and that by invoking Nazism, Putin is attempting to weaponize the trauma of World War II to justify an invasion, and the many lives it has cost.
Today, life for Jews in Ukraine has changed dramatically. The Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, is Jewish; in 2019, he won the presidency with 73 percent of the vote. Compared with other countries, Ukraine scores fairly low on measurements of antisemitic incidents and attitudes.

Ukrainains line up for Kyivska Perepichka at Maidan (Independence Square) in Kyiv.
Kyiv Diaries
Helen moved to Ukraine from the United States ten years ago. The move was supposed to be temporary—her husband, a venture capitalist, had invested in Ukrainian start-ups—but the couple ended up staying. “It was quite challenging in the beginning, but over time, the country has grown on me,” Helen tells me over zoom.
“It’s heartbreaking and impossible to comprehend what’s happening in Ukraine now,” she says.
Helen was actually born in Ukraine but moved to the United States in 1988 because of the antisemitism at the time. But being a Jew in Ukraine is different now Helen says. “It’s cool to be Jewish now. My gentile students go around with Magen David necklaces and are trying to learn Hebrew.”
The Resilience of Ukraine and Its Jews
Direct from the Front Lines
Young Ukrainian Artists Respond to the Invasion
Russian Aggression through the eyes of Eastern Europe with Konstanty Gebert and Amy E. Schwartz
Russia, Vladimir Putin and Ukraine: The Struggle Between Authoritarianism and Democracy
Russia & Ukraine Explained with Ambassador Ivo H. Daalder and Robert Siegel
Israel, Zelensky & the American-Jewish community
ברקע הלחימה באוקראינה: דגלי רוסיה ואוקראינה מוקרנים על חומות העיר העתיקה בירושלים.
— סולימאן מסוודה سليمان مسودة (@SuleimanMas1) March 13, 2022
How (Almost) Everyone Is Supporting Ukraine: Israel’s response to Russia-Ukraine crisis
An Interview with Radoslaw Sikorski
What Is Putin Thinking?
From the Newsletter
Whatever Happens Next, Putin’s Invasion Has Already Changed the World
Read about Nadine Epstein’s travels through Ukraine and her impressions of their democracy.