Happy July Fourth!

We’re celebrating Independence Day with a special sale on Moment magazine subscriptions. For a limited-time, 1 year print + digital subscriptions are just $17.76.

Each subscription includes:

  • Home delivery of print magazine—6 issues a year
  • Unlimited access to momentmag.com and the digital magazine
  • Moment Minute newsletter—what Moment editors are talking about.
  • Jewish Politics & Power—a must read in the Jewish world.
  • Antisemitism Monitor—our fact checked antisemitism tracker.
  • MomentLive! virtual broadcasts— free access to an amazing array of Jewish programs

Moment, founded in 1975 by Nobel Peace Laureate Elie Wiesel and writer Leonard Fein, is an independent magazine known for its award winning journalism and cultural and literary criticism, and innovative projects. It provides a unique lens on the issues that trouble, concern, and inspire American Jews.

Cartoon of a man in a talit holding a Torah, edited with a Moment cover on it.

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Moment digital access includes:

  • Unlimited access to momentmag.com 
  • Three digital issues of Moment magazine
  • MomentMinute newsletter—what Moment editors are talking about. Delivered on Tuesday and Thursday
  • Jewish Politics & Power—a must-read in the Jewish world. Delivered every other Monday
  • Antisemitism Monitor—our fact checked anti-Semitism tracker. With bimonthly reports, and analysis

Momentfounded in 1975 by Nobel Peace Laureate Elie Wiesel and writer Leonard Fein, is an independent magazine known for its award-winning journalism, cultural and literary criticism and innovative projects. It provides a unique lens on the issues that trouble, concern, and inspire American Jews.