Now THAT'S Offensive! Politically Incorrect Suggestions for Religious Blogs

By | Nov 17, 2010

Religion isn’t hip.  It’s not cool, it’s not fun, it’s not trendy.  That, at least, was the opinion of one intern at the Moment office.  An editor replied that there were no exciting outlets for religious discussion.  So, as they are wont to do, members of the Moment office started brainstorming ideas on what the edgiest title for an engaging bible blog would be, pushing the limits of good taste in the process.  Would you read a blog with one of these names?  Or protest it?  Share your thoughts!

  • Sh*t my Torah Says (aka Drek My Torah Says)
  • The Torah Sutra: 1,000 Different Parsha Positions
  • Stuff Torah People Like
  • F*ck Yeah Torah Portion!
  • Bible Goggles
  • Torah Unplugged
  • This Is Your Brain on Torah
  • More Torah, Less Filling!
  • My Super Sweet Parsha
  • Torah-licious
  • The Politically Incorrect Torah
  • Torah the Explor-ah
  • Torah-Vision 3-D!
  • En-Torah-ge
  • Mystery Science Torah 5771
  • Peyos Fetish
  • No Shirt, No Sandals, No Torah
  • Parshas for Dummies
  • Shake your Jew-ty
  • The Torah Zone
  • Torah: Undressed
  • Strangers with Torah
  • The Torah: Bigger, Better, and Uncut
  • STFU, D’var Torah
  • Pimp My Torah
  • Torah-gasm
  • Delerium Torah: your weekly fix

10 thoughts on “Now THAT'S Offensive! Politically Incorrect Suggestions for Religious Blogs

  1. ohmyfreakinggod these are *priceless!* the drek, f*ck yeah, goggles, really all of them: genius!

    1. elisniv says:

      Our pleasure.

  2. judithH says:

    Honestly, I find almost all of these very offensive. I consider myself to have a pretty good sense of humor but these aren’t funny The Torah is meant to be a light and direction for a meaningful and beautiful life,there is no need for Jews to take it to a dark and disrespectful place. Show at least as much respect for your own religion as would be expected of you toward other religions….whether you practice the laws or not,it is still

  3. judithH says:

    Honestly, I find almost all of these very offensive. I consider myself to have a pretty good sense of humor but these aren’t funny The Torah is meant to be a light and direction for a meaningful and beautiful life,there is no need for Jews to take it to a dark and disrespectful place. Show at least as much respect for your own religion as would be expected of you toward other religions.Why would you trash something that others identify you with.

  4. bec says:

    3,500 years of jewish history would not have happened without humor. it’s good to see that some of us still practice that very important part of the religion!

  5. Vlady says:

    Jews have used to cling like ivy around their religion. It used to be sacred for vast majority of them. Nowadays this cementing part of Jewish identity is loosing its grip, so Jews assimilate in fast pace except those who still adhere to religion. The secular Jews see religion as an obstacle or unfortunate nuisance that deserve to be ridiculed. In a way this is a repetition of history including Jewish apprising against Hellenization. Jews survived at that time and they will make it now. I think Muslims having much stronger sense of community give us a good example with their violent righteous indignation to desecration of their symbols.

  6. Kat says:

    They are great! we need more blogs on the lighter/funnier side of Jewish life. I know I would definitely read them.

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