Jewish Identity in a Post October 7 World with Sarah Hurwitz and Amy E. Schwartz

By | Jun 18, 2024


Since October 7, some Jews have become more cautious about their identity—hiding their Star of David necklaces or using a less-Jewish-sounding name to request an Uber—while others have experienced an awakening and a desire to reclaim or strengthen their connection to the Jewish people. So where do Jews go from here? Join Sarah Hurwitz, a former speechwriter for both President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama as well as author of the book Here All Along: Finding Meaning, Spirituality, and a Deeper Connection to Life — in Judaism (After Finally Choosing to Look There), for a wide-open conversation about her Jewish journey, what she has learned from Jewish students on college campuses and what she thinks Jewish tradition can teach us in this moment. In conversation with Moment Book & Opinion Editor Amy E. Schwartz.

This program is part of a Moment series on antisemitism supported by the Joyce and Irving Goldman Family Foundation.


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