Changed from Darth Vaderberg at Ellis Island

Culture, Religion


By | Mar 22, 2012

Breaking news in “people you didn’t know were Jewish”: Darth Vader. Yes, some Lucasphiles say that Darth Vader’s chestplate (right), revealed in The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, has Hebrew lettering, suggesting Jewish roots. Interpretations of the text vary, but one fan with a little too much time on his hands argues that the text translates to “His deeds will not be forgiven until he merits.” So, Darth Vader: closet Jew? Maybe. After all, he does atone at the end, an idea that is pretty darn Jewish, and the chestplate is vaguely High Priestly. On the other hand, he is, you know, a fictional character who lived a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. Vive le mystere!

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