Noah Rothman on Charlottesville and America’s Crisis of Identitarianism

In the wake of Charlottesville and the moral equivalency debate spawned by President Donald Trump’s comments, Noah Rothman has argued that, while it’s incumbent upon the right to get its house in order and expel white supremacists from its coalition, the left would do well to examine violent tendencies within its own ranks.

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Is Bibi on the Outs With Adelson?

In the days since the story ran, new developments have come at a rapid pace, including a ruling by Israel’s Supreme Court forcing Netanyahu to release the dates of his phone conversations with Adelson and Amos Regev, the former editor-in-chief of Israel Hayom. In addition, Netanyahu’s former chief of staff Ari Harow turned state’s witness in this and another investigation into Netanyahu. These developments have fed speculation as to whether the prime minister’s legal problems could spell the end of his hold on power.

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Timothy Snyder on Modern Tyranny

Modern tyranny can change things quickly by making us react slowly. You have an enormous amount of influence in the first weeks and months. If you spend that time saying, “This is not that big a deal,” or “The institutions will protect us,” or “This can’t happen here” or “I’m going to wait for someone to tell me what to do,” then it’s all over.

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Opinion | The Hidden Costs of School Vouchers

How should Jewish schools weigh the need for autonomy against the lure of state subsidies? Some day schools, mostly non-Orthodox and in smaller Jewish communities, are already happily educating many children who do not identify as Jewish. Hebrew-language charter schools in cities like New York and Los Angeles straddle the boundary between public school and day school, with majority non-Jewish student bodies and a focus on language and culture rather than religion.

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