A documentary about a cemetery: It may not sound like much of a crowd-pleaser, but the German film In Heaven, Underground, directed by Britta Wauer...
Little Jewish School on the Prairie
By Scott Fox
A girls' high school catering to Orthodox Jews in the little town of Bricelyn, Minnesota, population 340. Sounds crazy, no? On the surface,...
Judaism without Belief in God? Moment Readers Say Yes
Moment Magazine is pleased to announce the winners of the inaugural Elephant in the Room essay contest. This year’s question, "What does it mean to...
Why Pray?
by Emily Goldberg
Judaism is ever-evolving, a religion that has for centuries faced the challenges of modernization. With young people steering these new paths, our religion...
What Does Kosher Mean Today?
By Scott Fox
Food is perhaps one of the “greyest” aspects of Jewish life today. The Torah instructs us to abstain from ritually impure foods—but what...
Left-leaning, But Not Left Behind
by Erica Shaps
I am not a rabbinical student. My talit was made in Israel and I recently celebrated my 20th birthday in Jerusalem, not Ramallah....
Israeli Holidays: Reaching New Highs
by Erica Shaps
While I gaped at my surroundings with shock and wonder, my Yom Kippur hosts smiled at me with amusement and understanding. Since they...
Losing (and Finding) My Religion
by Maddie Ulanow
It’s always interesting when, on a particular Friday night, we get a new high turnout of students for the weekly Shabbat services -...
Israel’s Women Are Forced to the Back of the Bus
Back in 2003 I took a bus from downtown Jerusalem to my home in the northern suburb of Ramot, a mixed secular and modern Orthodox...
The Great Hametz Swap
Do you know the Matzah Man?
Kosher Hip-Hop
By Adina Rosenthal
There’s a new, up-and-coming Hasidic hip-hop artist on the block. Nosson Zand is a Boston-born musician who takes pride in the positive and...