Culture, Latest, Religion NOT A POLITICS POST! NOT A POLITICS POST! May 8, 2012 By Benjamin Schuman-Stoler 0 comments Facebook Twitter Pinterest linkedin Telegram Even though there is plenty of politics to cover today, we thought it would be nice to give you all something a little lighter to...Continue reading
Culture, Latest As Chinese Come to Israel, Recalling One Israeli in China May 8, 2012 By Mandy Katz 2 comments Facebook Twitter Pinterest linkedin Telegram We've come a long way since 1985, when Israeli travelers I met in China had to hide their "real" passports from local authorities and most...Continue reading
Food, Latest, Misc Seder Recipes From the Google Seder January 12, 2021 By Nadine Epstein 3 comments Facebook Twitter Pinterest linkedin Telegram Google Seder Recipes Boiled Kosher Brisket with Horseradish Salsa Verde 4 pounds boneless beef brisket 3 medium onions, quartered 6 qt Beef Broth (or chicken) 6 qts water 2 bay leaves 1...Continue reading
Latest, Misc, Religion The Google Seder January 12, 2021 By Nadine Epstein 2 comments Facebook Twitter Pinterest linkedin Telegram The e-mail invitation came at the last minute. Not that Google didn’t know Passover was on its way, but apparently it would have been un-Google-like...Continue reading