Jacob Schiff and My Uncle Ben Daynovsky
And who is Jacob Schiff that he should be embarrassed by my Uncle Ben Daynovsky?
And who is Jacob Schiff that he should be embarrassed by my Uncle Ben Daynovsky?
Yes, but the more difficult question is, what kind of changes do we want? The police and science have made great strides in preventing crime.
I respect Norm Coleman, but in his comments he repeats the demonstrably false talking point that the Democratic Party has moved to socialism.
Aron Wieder, a Satmar Hasid active in New York politics, finds himself in a complicated position.
One perk of working at a Jewish magazine is getting Jewish publications from all over the world in the office mail.
One day last spring, I got a call from a woman I didn’t know, asking if I objected—as she did—to a work of mine being included in The New Jewish Canon: Ideas and Debates 1980-2015 along with works by men identified as notable abusers by the #MeToo movement.
When COVID-19 reached Israel last March, I was not unduly worried.
In writing about the unspeakable mass atrocities targeting the Uighurs and other Turkic Muslims in the Xinjiang region of China, I’m reminded of the words of Elie Wiesel, Nobel Peace Prize laureate and conscience of humanity, that “silence in the face of evil is complicity with evil itself”—and that, as he would remind us again and again, “Indifference always means coming down on the side of the victimizer, never on the side of the victim.”
“The incitement and rhetoric did not come from all sides. In Israel, incitement reads from right to left.”
Cookbook author Joan Nathan in conversation with Moment Editor-in-Chief Nadine Epstein about her Jewish food adventures in Italy, France, Morocco, Israel, Vietnam and beyond.
The title of her new book is Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents. It retells the history of American racism from slavery to segregation, from everyday indignities to the use of lethal force. Throughout, she strives to write not of whites and Blacks, but of the majority caste and the minority caste.
While “Jews of color” is not an exclusively American term, it was born of this country’s complex interrelationship between race and identity.