What’s the Deal With Iran?
President Joe Biden is not the first candidate who campaigned on a promise to reverse course on Iran.
President Joe Biden is not the first candidate who campaigned on a promise to reverse course on Iran.
Barack Obama’s transformation from youthful and eloquent U.S. Senate candidate to prime-time sensation and putative presidential timber came at the 2004 Democratic National Convention.
Five days after the U.S. elections, my husband and I enjoyed a rare Pilates class between lockdowns.
Every four or eight years, the United States has the opportunity for a political reset.
For newly elected members of the U.S. House of Representatives, the work begins right away.
In her victory speech in August, after winning the Republican primary runoff for Georgia’s 14th Congressional District, Marjorie Taylor Greene was obstreperous and foul-mouthed.
In every Israeli election since 2015—we’ve had four now, and in 2021 are headed toward a fifth—the average Israeli voter has one main thing in mind when he or she decides whom to vote for: Do I want Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to keep his job?
The Supreme Court has entangled synagogues in culture wars with its absolutist rulings on religious liberty cases during the pandemic.
Join Deborah Lipstadt and Robert Siegel for a conversations on anti-Semitism, hosted by Moment Magazine with the support of the Joyce and Irving Goldman Family Foundation.
Deborah Lipstadt, author of Antisemitism Here and Now, is a professor at Emory University and is best known for having won a libel suit brought against her in London by David Irving, one of the world’s leading Holocaust deniers. The story of this trial was depicted in the film DENIAL with Academy Award winning actor Rachel Weisz depicting Deborah.
Robert Siegel is the former senior host of NPR’s award-winning evening newsmagazine All Things Considered.
When it comes to celebrating the Festival of Lights, eating latkes (fried pancakes) is almost as important as lighting the menorah. The hard question is: Which topping belongs on them? Whether you are Team Applesauce, Team Sour Cream, Team Ketchup or on some other team, join us as our great thinkers weigh in on why their favorite topping is best—in the spirit of the popular Latke-Hamantash Debate.
Moderated by C-SPAN Director of Communications Howard Mortman.
* Sarah Breger, Moment deputy editor
* Barry Friedman, comedian, author
* Dahlia Lithwick, writer, journalist
* Rabbi Douglas Sagal, Congregation B’nai Israel, Rumson, NJ
* Alan Silberberg, author, cartoonist, screenwriter
The Mourner’s Kaddish, a prayer with ancient roots that a person says upon the loss of a parent, sibling or spouse, is one of the most instantly recognizable Jewish prayers of all time.