Blood Libel: An Investigation Into The Origins of a Virulent and Enduring Antisemitic Conspiracy Theory with Historian E.M. Rose
Historian E.M. Rose discusses her award-winning book The Murder of William of Norwich: The Origins of the Blood Libel in Medieval Europe, a fascinating micro-history of a mysterious 12th century murder and the ensuing court case. Rose’s groundbreaking work provides clear answers as to why the blood libel emerged when it did and how it was able to gain such widespread acceptance, laying the foundations for enduring anti-Semitic myths that continue to the present.
Jacob Schiff and My Uncle Ben Daynovsky
And who is Jacob Schiff that he should be embarrassed by my Uncle Ben Daynovsky?
Book Interview: Isabel Wilkerson on Racism and Caste Systems
The title of her new book is Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents. It retells the history of American racism from slavery to segregation, from everyday indignities to the use of lethal force. Throughout, she strives to write not of whites and Blacks, but of the majority caste and the minority caste.
The Year Everything Changed—Continued
When we interviewed a group of thinkers on the years that altered human history, we were floored by their thoughtful responses. While we had to condense their answers for the print issue, we have curated additional selections from their interviews, which we are so pleased to publish here.
The Story of Der Moment
Moment has its origins in Eastern Europe. Leonard Fein and Elie Wiesel named Moment for the influential independent Yiddish-language Der Moment, founded in 1910 in Warsaw, Poland.
50 Years Later: Remembering Kent State
Stanley, who is a participant in Moment’s Jewish Political Voices Project, had planned on attending the 50th-anniversary observances on the Kent State campus. All her friends would be there; she booked a hotel reservation a year in advance. But Covid-19 ended all that. A nation on the edge 50 years ago is facing upheaval of a different order.
Opinion | Are Jews Historical Artifacts in Europe?
The future of Europe’s dwindling Jewish communities is bleak.
Fiction // Turboatom
I wanted to tell my father that the fish salad was shining, but he was asleep, calling my name in long somniloquous moans. I stood at his bedside, the shape of our room made visible by the scarce lights of the Marshal Zhukov Street. Slava! My name rose from his lungs…
David Irving Sticks to His Script
Sixteen years later, the original “cast members” look back at the famous trial that debunked Holocaust revisionism—and changed their lives.
Jewish Genes as Time Machines
A lonely Jew reassembles her vanished family through a combination of genealogical sleuthing, genetic testing and cousin-fishing
Visual Moment // History, Demolished
The world watched in horror earlier this year when videos went viral showing ISIS bulldozing the 3,000-year-old ruins of the ancient Assyrian capital of Nimrud in Iraq—a city so old it is mentioned in Genesis. The militants toppled walls and bas-reliefs, sledgehammered statues and used a bulldozer to overturn and shatter a majestic human-headed, winged bull statue that had long guarded the city’s Nergal Gate…