by Natalie Buchbinder
When you think of religious restriction, what country comes to mind? Visions of the Middle East, North Africa, portions of the East? What...
Telegraph Avenue
Michael Chabon
2012, $27.99, pp. 465
The most perilous pitfall for a tour de force is that the tour can come off as forced.
Alas, Telegraph Avenue,...
The Da Vinci Code—which popularized the notion that Jesus was married—is back in the news with the discovery of a fourth century papyrus text written...
By Martin Berman-Gorvine
Janice Weizman’s The Wayward Moonmarks a refreshing departure in the Jewish historical novel, which is all too prone to focus on a limited...
by Daniela Enriquez
As the men entered in capsule-shaped cubicles, images started to appear across the entirety of the stage-wide screen—all present felt transplanted to a...
by Daniela Enriquez
One of the obstacles Orthodox women face is finding a good "kosher" fashion line, that is wearable and respectful of tradition. Designer Marina...
by Daniela Enriquez
According to halacha, Jewish law, there are 613 mitzvot that a Jew should fulfill during a lifetime. Some of these are daily duties,...
By Rebecca Borison
Born in Odessa in 1879, Jacob Weinberg was a talented and prolific Jewish composer, who sought to preserve and promote his Jewish heritage...