What We’re Reading: Sala Levin
Each week, we'll share what Moment editors are reading and watching, from news to novels. First up is Moment staffer Sala Levin, who wrote about...
A Feisty Old Jew Goes Fringe
by Deborah Altman
Longtime playwright/performer and San Francisco native Charlie Varon jumps onto the stage. One second he's Varon, the next he's Bernie--an instantaneous transformation from...
Amidst Crisis, Parents Try To Do What’s Best
Longtime Moment contributor Ilene Prusher, a mother of two and veteran journalist covering the war for Haaretz and TIME, talks to Moment about the challenges facing parents and children in a battlezone.
Jewish Online Dating Gets a Makeover
JDate.com doesn’t call itself the “leading Jewish singles network” for nothing. The massive online matchmaker—which boasts 750,000 users and attracted major media buzz in April with its rebranding campaign, “Get Chosen”—is known as the go-to for Jewish online dating.
Jews and Civil Rights Stories: An Interfaith Rally, and a Freedom Ride
In honor of the yearlong anniversary of America's Civil Rights Movement, Moment is collecting and sharing stories about Jews and Civil Rights. Here are two more,...
A Brief Guide to Jewish Young Adult Fiction
by Deborah Altman
Last month brought exciting news for Judy Blume fans. The iconic young adult author announced she is working on a new release set...
Inside the Surprising History of the Spice Trade
For Gary Paul Nabhan, spices tell a story that goes far beyond “Add two teaspoons of cinnamon.” The chair in Sustainable Food Systems at the...
A Moment with “O, Africa!” author Andrew Lewis Conn
Andrew Lewis Conn’s second work of fiction, O, Africa!, follows Jewish twins Izzy and Micah Grand, two upcoming filmmakers in 1920s New York. Amidst the...
Meet the Rabbi Who Just Married One of Missouri’s First Legal Gay Couples
Rabbi Susan Talve’s favorite word is chutzpah: shameless audacity. This surprises no one who knows her. The spiritual leader of St. Louis’ Central Reform Congregation has...
A Post-War Conversion
by Melissa Suran
She lights the Shabbat candles in the dining room, where there is a picture her brother Manfred painted of a smiling, portly man...
Mourners Come Together Over Slain Israeli Teenagers
It’s a rare scene: Hundreds of Jews, sitting quietly in a synagogue chapel, turn their attention to a women dressed in a black robe and colored sash. As she steps onto the bimah of the congregation, the filled sanctuary falls silent as she offers her condolences.