Slideshow: The Jews of Dahlonega, Georgia
This February, a banner was raised in Dahlonega, Georgia. The banner, falsely, proclaimed the downtown building it was on a historic hall for the Ku Klux Klan. It provoked instant backlash.
This February, a banner was raised in Dahlonega, Georgia. The banner, falsely, proclaimed the downtown building it was on a historic hall for the Ku Klux Klan. It provoked instant backlash.
“As a political historian, I would say that most trips abroad are filled with great hopes and, while they rarely end up in disappointment, they also rarely end up in tremendous achievements.”
I want to celebrate that day when the walls that had cut the city in two came down, and we thought that East and West could merge. But it’s hard to celebrate in Jerusalem when right-wing, nationalistic politicians are putting up new walls.
About five years ago, we decided to do a one-time, five-day barbecue pop-up kosher restaurant. We served nearly 6,000 people in four days, and I realized then and there that I was onto something.
We want to hear your stories.
The notion that Germany has special responsibilities due to the Holocaust influences Merkel’s outlook on the world significantly. But this is not to say everything is rosy.
Like most of Polish Jewry, the Bobovers realized, perhaps too late, that what was happening in neighboring Germany would affect them profoundly.
Students in each system have almost no contact each other. Thirty-five percent of Jewish students and 27 percent of Arabs said they have never interacted with peers from the other group.
The backward tale, coupled with having young, inexperienced performers play the roles of older adults, just wasn’t believable to audiences, and the show flopped after 16 performances.
While Martin Luther initially had a relatively positive relationship with German Jews, he eventually adopted vociferously anti-Jewish rhetoric and promoted violence against Jews.
Few Americans have heard of Besa, but Besa is the reason that during the dark days of the Nazi takeover of Albania not a single Jewish citizen of Albania, nor any other Jew seeking refuge in Albania, was turned over to the Nazis or sent to the death camps.
What I had naively imagined was this: Some central authority parceled out lists of names systematically to all of the Jewish communities around the world that read names aloud on Yom HaShoah