Natural Gas: Israel’s Game Changer
Recent discoveries of large natural gas reserves off Israel’s coast will soon transform the country into an energy exporter, and bring in billions of dollars in new revenue. But the new finds also open up a Pandora’s Box of environmental, financial, social, security and foreign policy concerns.
Moment Magazine 2013 Guide to France
Book Review | Dissident Gardens by Jonathan Lethem
Before I began reading Dissident Gardens, Jonathan Lethem’s new novel, I was advised to obtain a copy of Vivian Gornick’s Romance of American Communism for a little crash course on its context.
Book Review: The Book of Schmaltz by Michael Ruhlman
Think you know what to eat to stay healthy? That fats are bad for you? That you will never again be able to enjoy the umami taste of schmaltz on a piece of matzoh? Or the crunch of gribenes (chicken-skin cracklings) that brings back the joys of your grandmother’s kitchen?
Book Review | Countrymen by Bo Lidegaard
Shortly after my bar mitzvah in 1943 at the Great Synagogue of Copenhagen, where my father had arrived from Czechoslovakia in 1934 to be the chief cantor, the roof caved in with all the uncertainties, terror and threats of annihilation. My family, along with some seven to eight thousand Danish Jews, were forced to flee their homes.
Fiction // The Inker
Avi knew his sister would take the news badly. Seven years his junior, Avi’s sister was given to fits of feeling, storms of wild emotion. This evening, as Avi awaited his sister in his home, he adjusted the plates at the dining room table, wiped the insides of wine glasses with the bottom of his shirt and folded and re-folded the three maps he’d purchased that day—topographic, political, historical—and had fanned on the table’s end.
Foie Gras: The Indelicate Delicacy
Foie gras—the controversial and expensive delicacy described by the renowned food encyclopedia Larousse Gastronomique as “one of the jewels in the crown of French gastronomy”—is made from the liver of a specially fattened duck or goose
An Interview with Israeli Politician Ruth Calderon
Why the secular talmud-talking feminist is turning heads in the knesset and beyond. Moment Opinion Editor Amy E. Schwartz sits down with Calderon to discuss her decision to run for office, how she works with haredi colleagues, and what she sees for Israel’s future as a Middle Eastern state.
Hate Speech Goes Viral
As the Internet has expanded the frontiers of 21st-century freedom of expression, it has given rise to new opportunities for hate speech. // But what constitutes hate speech, which broadly refers to language that incites prejudice against racial, religious and ethnic groups and is legislated and regulated by governments around the world? There is no one definition.
Opinion: Was Humanitarian Intervention a Passing Fad?
Syria is a perfect example of how this 1990s concept has fallen out of favor // By Ben Cohen