Israeli Craft Beers & Wine

To many, the words “Israeli wine” conjure up the culinary memory of the tooth-achingly sweet wines poured at Passover seders of yore. But the idea that Israel produces nothing but sugary kosher wines is a myth—in fact, Israel is home to hundreds of vineyards producing high-quality wines, many of them on par with those produced in traditional wine-making countries like France and Italy.

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watermelon slices

Talk of the Table | Foods to Beat the Heat

Not all Jewish food is the heavy, hearty fare meant to sustain Eastern European ancestors through dark, cold winters. But Jews, of course, don’t come from just Eastern Europe—many come from hot-weather climates and have a culinary canon that suits the heat. Here are some of the best Jewish foods to indulge in when the temperature soars.

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Jewish Word // Bible

When biblical scholar Elsie Stern lectures about the ancient world at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, the first thing she does is hold up a Bible and tell her students, “For most of the first 3,000 years that these words were around, if you said ‘Bible,’ no one would have any idea what you were talking about.”

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