2007 April-May, Israel A Moment With Michael Oren June 5, 2017 By Nonna Gorilovskaya 0 comments Facebook Twitter Pinterest linkedin Telegram Author of Power, Faith and Fantasy: America in the Middle East 1776 to the Present Since the days of the Barbary pirates, the Middle East has...Continue reading
2007 April-May, Issues Nathan Guttman: Between Iraq and a Hard Place June 5, 2017 By Nathan Guttman 0 comments Facebook Twitter Pinterest linkedin Telegram Why is America’s strongest faith-based bloc that opposes the war—the Jewish community—sitting this conflict out? From the front lines of the civil-rights movement through the Vietnam...Continue reading
2007 April-May, Jewish Culture and Traditions - Moment Magazine Einstein and His God July 30, 2024 By Mandy Katz 3 comments Facebook Twitter Pinterest linkedin Telegram At home in Berlin in April 1929, Albert Einstein received an urgent telegram from Rabbi Herbert S. Goldstein of New York: “Do you believe in...Continue reading
2007 April-May, Issues Was Einstein a Jewish Saint? June 5, 2017 By Mandy Katz 4 comments Facebook Twitter Pinterest linkedin Telegram As usual, Albert Einstein hadn’t dressed for the occasion. Most of the 40 or so young men waiting for him that Friday night in January at...Continue reading