The Israel-Hezbollah Showdown: What’s Happening Inside Israel, Lebanon, Gaza, Jordan and Iran with Aaron David Miller and Nadine Epstein
What’s going on right now inside Israel and Lebanon, Gaza and the West Bank, the Sunni nations and Iran?
What’s going on right now inside Israel and Lebanon, Gaza and the West Bank, the Sunni nations and Iran?
Let us begin with two facts: Israel has the highest proportion of Donald Trump supporters of any country outside of the United States; and most Israelis are far more interested in their country’s affairs than in the U.S. presidential election.
Join former Lebanese journalist Hanin Ghaddar, Middle East analyst Aaron David Miller and Robert Siegel, for a conversation about the Israel-Hamas war, including Israel’s northern border and the continued threat from Hezbollah and Iran.
Days before an official announcement by the Israeli army, rumors spread that the bodies of six hostages were recovered from Gaza. Doing their best to report accurately and ethically, Israeli media sources are bound to adhere to strict military censorship guidelines.
While he doesn’t contend that AIPAC is intentionally targeting Black candidates, he notes that white candidates with similarly anti-Zionist positions have not been targeted to the same degree as Bush or Bowman. “Unintended consequences are still consequences, and that is one thing that is troubling.”
The sense of dread quickly turned into rage: Hamas may have murdered the hostages, but many in Israel believe that it was Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who sacrificed them.
Aharon Dardik, an American-Israeli student at Columbia University shares his unique experience leading him to call for a ceasefire.
If Israelis and Palestinians ever enter into negotiations, East Jerusalemite Palestinian Samer Sanijlawi intends to be part of the talks.
“The Debate and the Collapse,” read the main headline of Yediot Aharonot, Israel’s largest centrist publication. The commentary column alongside the article, written by Nadav Eyal, was simply titled “Catastrophe.”
A conversation about the Israel’s Supreme Court ruling that the ultra-Orthodox must serve in the military and its wide-ranging legal, political, economic and social ramifications.
How the Israeli media covered the June 8 hostage rescue.