By Rebecca Borison
For 15 minutes, a group of boys lived their dream. These boys met their idols and played soccer during the half-time break of...
A Pioneer of Jewish Music
By Rebecca Borison
Born in Odessa in 1879, Jacob Weinberg was a talented and prolific Jewish composer, who sought to preserve and promote his Jewish heritage...
The New Gene Cuisine
In Genesis, Jacob asks his father-in-law, Laban, to compensate him for 14 years of unpaid labor. His request is strange: all the speckled and spotted...
No Gaga Here: Extreme Summer Camps in the Middle East
By Rebecca Borison
While I grew up at a Jewish summer camp playing Gaga, kids growing up in slightly (read: very) different areas than me are...
The Other Jewish Comics
by Kelley Kidd
With the new influx of superheroes and comic book characters into film, what was formerly a somewhat niche genre has become mainstream. On...
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner? (The Great Gatsby Edition)
Been on the Internet today? My guess is yes. In that case, you've probably seen the trailer for Baz Luhrmann's adaptation of The Great Gatsby....
Remembering Sholom Aleichem
by Kara A. Kaufman
It’s not every day that you see your own photograph in a newspaper, much less a Russian publication printed halfway around the...
Proud and Prickly with a Soft Heart
Muscular. Courageous. Bronzed. The stereotype of the sun-kissed sabra is Ari ben Canaan, as played by actor Paul Newman in the 1960 movie Exodus. The word sabra stems from the name of the prickly pear cactus—tzabar in Hebrew and sabr in Arabic—whose thick thorny skin covers a sweet and succulent soft flesh. An affectionate metaphor, it describes native-born Israelis whose rough and impertinent manners hide their good hearts and sensitive souls.
A Scanner Messianically
R. Justin Stewart may not be the first artist you’d expect to be behind a work called “Distorting (a messiah project, 13c).” The self-described atheist...
Sticky Fingers' Sweets and New York Cheesecake Cupcakes
By Monika Wysocki
A self-described “Jew-talian from New York,” Doron Petersan grew up in the land of Jewish delis, bagels, cannoli and knishes. But after assisting...
Sticky Fingers’ Sweets and New York Cheesecake Cupcakes
By Monika Wysocki
A self-described “Jew-talian from New York,” Doron Petersan grew up in the land of Jewish delis, bagels, cannoli and knishes. But after assisting...
Aviva Kempner and "The Rosenwald Schools"
By Monika Wysocki
In celebration of Black History Month, the National Archives in Washington, DC hosted a preview of Aviva Kempner’s newest film, The Rosenwald Schools,...