Poem | The Hidden
The terebinth tree in the Arava is at least a thousand years old, as was her mother before her.
The terebinth tree in the Arava is at least a thousand years old, as was her mother before her.
Some Jewish artists are unwilling to be confined to what artist Rachel Libeskind calls the “claustrophobic limbo” of Germany’s past.
A unique character study follows Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir with a visceral closeness through the tense days of the Yom Kippur War.
Luc Bernard was inspired to create the map after seeing the statistic that 80 percent of Americans have not visited a Holocaust museum.
Putting on The Moss Maidens—the production that won the Best Play and Best Ensemble awards at SheNYC, a recent theater festival—felt particularly cathartic for the play’s Jewish cast and crew members.
One thing most people don’t want explained are jokes. BUT, if a joke is already bona fide boffo funny, an explanation might help us appreciate it even more.
Like the previous dual strike, which happened during the industry’s transition to television, these simultaneous strikes are happening at a time of massive transformation in the medium.