Bud Hockenberg (IA): ‘The Democratic Campaign Is Obama’s Third Term’

Bud Hockenberg
By | Aug 26, 2020

Bud Hockenberg (92), a Republican from Des Moines IA, is the former president of the Des Moines Jewish Federation and a founding member of what is now the Republican Jewish Coalition, as well as of Iowans Supporting Israel, a bipartisan group. He is a fourth-generation Des Moines resident and former president of the Conservative synagogue Tifereth Israel. He is still a “very active” attorney and recently attended his 52nd consecutive AIPAC conference.

We are providing the unfiltered opinions of voters interviewed for this project. Those views are based on their understanding and perception of facts and information from a range of sources. In some cases, that information may be misleading or incorrect.

Has Donald Trump’s presidency turned out the way you thought it would back in 2016 when he was first elected president? Is it better or worse than you expected?


Do you believe that Donald Trump has fulfilled his campaign promises and is this a good thing or a bad thing for the country?

Yes. He has fulfilled campaign promises. A blessing for America.

Has Joe Biden turned out to be the type of candidate you expected at the start of the primary elections? Please explain.

Yes. The Democratic campaign is Obama’s third term versus Trump’s second term (mandatory Biden selection as Obama’s 8-year vice president to protect 8-year damage to America).

Do you Donald Trump has a chance of winning the election in November?

Yes, he will be re-elected.

What does Joe Biden need to do to win the election in November? Do you think he has a chance?

Contact Obama, the real candidate. Joe Biden has no chance of winning in a fair election.

If elected, what should Donald Trump do to bring the country together?

Emphasize the 9th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (all rights not delegated to the federal government are reserved for the states and individual citizens).

If elected, what do you think Joe Biden should focus on for his first 100 days in office?

As a defeated candidate, he should manage Obama’s Chicago library.

Do you have any concerns about the general election in November, and if yes, what are your concerns?

Voting restricted to citizens.

Should in-person voting be required in November? Why or why not? 

I have a preference for in-person voting. There is a danger of invalid absentee ballots.

Do you think Donald Trump’s handling of the pandemic and Black Lives Matter protests will affect voter choice? Please explain.

Yes. ANTIFA’s control of BLM, property destruction and danger to personal safety will encourage Trump votes.

Do you think COVID-19 will affect voter turnout? If yes, how?

The normal 55% eligible votes will be exceeded by the silent Trump majority vote.

Do you think the closure of voting locations across the country due to COVID-19 will affect elections in your state in November? Please explain.

No. The June 2020 Iowa primary vote was high because of Republican opposition to the ANTIFA revolution.

At this point, what is your preferred method of voting in November? Why?

In-person. My traditional method.

Is there anything else you’d like to share with us?

Systemic racism is fiction. The compelling evidence is the election and re-election of a black president (Obama 2008 and 2012).  Systemic anti-Semitism is the heart of ANTIFA.

2 thoughts on “Bud Hockenberg (IA): ‘The Democratic Campaign Is Obama’s Third Term’

  1. Al Gilens says:

    I value and respect your comments, Bud. But I cannot disagree with you more about Systemic Racism being fiction. We are all racist in one way or another; if it is not recognized within ourselves, that is racist prima facie. I think it is really impossible to not understand the basic and continuing racism that exists in this most wonderful but flawed country that we lovingly call home. Fond regards, Al Gilens

  2. Rita E Friedman says:

    Thank you Bud for speaking the truth very clearly for all to hear and hopefully understand what has happened to our great country and it will get worse with Biden. His anit-Semitic group of democrats will be like 1939 Germany. I don’t understand why the Jewish people don’t see what is happening just lie they didn’t see it in 1939 either and they all supported Hitler and look what happened. I am a 76 year old reform Jew who voted for Kennedy (he was the last of the moderate democrats). So sad and scary for Jews and Christians in the U.S. I don’t appreciate Al saying we are all racist and I don’t have white guilt either. Me and my family worked very hard and never got any handouts and were very poor for a long time. My grandmother was an immigrant and sold apples on the street corner and learned to speak English and worked in the Triangle Shirt Factory in NY. Why is everything in Spanish and English? If you come to America legally (like my grandmother did) become a citizen and learn the language.

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