“Nostalgic Glimpses of a Bygone Era”
Sydney Jewish Museum, Sydney, Australia
(On view through April 2021)

“Walk to school with Mohamed,” Camille Fox, courtesy of Sydney Jewish Museum.
Glimpse Jewish life in the golden era of Alexandria, Egypt through the eyes of Australian Jewish artist Camille Fox. Her vibrant paintings portray memories of her charmed Egyptian childhood: summers at the beach, afternoon tea at the Cecil Hotel, matinées at La Gaite Cinema. Held in conjunction with “Jews from Islamic Lands.” For information, go to: sydneyjewishmuseum.com.au/exhibition/nostalgic-glimpses-of-a-bygone-era
“Jerusalem Between Heaven and Earth”
Charter Oak Cultural Foundation, Hartford, Connecticut
(Virtual, through January 31)

Detail of “Black Fire White Fire,” Carol Buchman; courtesy of Charter Oak Cultural Foundation.
“Travel” to Israel to see a selection of works metaphorically and literally exploring the theme of “watersheds.” The exhibition was assembled by the Jewish Art Salon and curated by Georgetown University professor Ori Soltes for the Jerusalem Biennale for Contemporary Jewish Art in 2017. Go to: charteroakcenter.org/event/virtual-art-exhibit-jerusalem-between-heaven-and-earth.
“Open Studios: Creativity in an Uncertain Time”
Jewish Art Salon
(Virtual, ongoing)

“Epidemiology,” Andi Arnovitz, courtesy of artist.
Meet Jewish artists from around the world, such as Israeli Orthodox feminist painter Andi Arnovitz and Brooklyn painter and muralist Archie Rand, through the Jewish Art Salon’s “Open Studios” series. For information on future programs and access to recordings of past open studios, go to: jewishartsalon.org
“Light Over Darkness”
The Jewish Street Art Festival
(Virtual, ongoing)

“Railroad Retro Hamsa,” First Station, Israel, Shlome J. Hayun, courtesy of Jewish Street Art Festival.
See street art from around the diaspora and Israel created by Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Mizrachi, secular and religious artists. Participating artists in 2020 painted related murals in cities such as Atlanta, Washington DC, Los Angeles, Chicago and Detroit. The first festival, in 2019, was part of the Jerusalem Biennale that year and featured an international team of artists painting 18 murals in three locations around Jerusalem. Go to: jewishstreetart.com
“Predicting the Past: Zohar Studios, The Lost Years”
The Contemporary Jewish Museum of San Francisco
(Virtual, ongoing)

“Conjoined Twins,” Stephen Berkman, courtesy of The Contemporary Jewish Museum of San Franciso.
Experience “Victorian-era Jewish life” by touring Los Angeles-based artist Stephen Berkman’s photography installation, a “tribute” to Shimmel Zohar, a mythical 19th-century Jewish immigrant photographer from Lithuania and “founder” of “Zohar Studios.” The exhibition includes more than 30 photographs with titles such as “Shtetl Shtick” and “Blind Mohel” that capture the “post-humorous” thrust of the show. Go to: thecjm.org/exhibitions/106.