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Antisemitism in Context
Reporting that leads to a greater understanding of antisemitism
From Zero to Hate in Just a Tik and a Tok
A journey down the “Alt-Right” pipeline.
Romanian City Council Refuses to Remove Monument of Pro-Nazi Government Official

Finance Minister Mircea Vulcanescu
Bucharest’s city council refused to dismantle a bust honoring Mircea Vulcanescu, who served as a finance minister in the country’s pro-Nazi government during World War II. The city council voted down a resolution that would have removed the monument from Saint Stefan park in the Romanian capital.
The Elie Wiesel Institute for the Study of the Holocaust in Romania sees the refusal to adopt the motion as a violation of a law adopted by the Romanian parliament in 2002 and revised in 2015, which made glorifying figures guilty of crimes against humanity illegal.

United Kingdom, January 2, 2023
A Jewish man was slashed and called a f***ing Jew in London while walking his infant son.

United States, January 3, 2023
Massachusetts State Representative Jamie Zahlaway Belsito called Israel “an apartheid-run thuggery terrorist regime on a mission to kill Palestinians.” Also, Orthodox teens in Lakewood, New Jersey, were chased by a man wielding a machete.

Australia, January 4, 2023
Neo-Nazis plastered a swastika at Toorak Primary School in Melbourne.

Russia, January 4, 2023
Moscow’s exiled chief rabbi, Pinchas Goldschmidt, urged Russia’s Jews to leave because of rising antisemitism. Also, former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev, a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, compared the U.S. policies to those of the Nazis.
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London, UK. Friday 5th September 2012. ‘Freedom for Humanity’ a street art graffiti work by artist Mear One aka Kalen Ockerman on Hanbury Street near Brick Lane. Tower Hamlets has ordered that the mural be removed as the characters depicted as bankers have faces that look Jewish, and is therefore antisemitic. In protest the mural had just been sprayed with the Hebrew word ‘HAGANAH’. Haganah was a Jewish paramilitary organization in what was then the British Mandate of Palestine from 1920 to 1948 (Photo by In Pictures Ltd./Corbis via Getty Images)
Deep Dive: The Difference Between Hating Jews and Antisemitism
What speech or action qualifies as antisemitic? And is this different than hatred of Jewish people? An expert on contemporary antisemitism and the curator of Moment‘s Antisemitism Monitor, Ira N. Forman delves into the clear and the gray areas.
Key reports and studies on antisemitism around the globe