A Legal Earthquake: Israel’s Supreme Court Decides that the Ultra-Orthodox Must Serve in the Military with Eetta Prince-Gibson and Nadine Epstein


MomentLive! Special Edition

| Jun 25, 2024

A Legal Earthquake: Israel’s Supreme Court Decides that the Ultra-Orthodox Must Serve in the Military with Eetta Prince-Gibson and Nadine Epstein

The unanimous Israeli Supreme Court decision that there is no legal justification for the ultra-Orthodox to be exempted from military service is historic and has the potential to topple Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s governing coalition. Join Moment Israel Editor Eetta Prince-Gibson and Moment Editor-in-Chief Nadine Epstein for a conversation about this ruling and its wide-ranging legal, political, economic and social ramifications.


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2 thoughts on “A Legal Earthquake: Israel’s Supreme Court Decides that the Ultra-Orthodox Must Serve in the Military with Eetta Prince-Gibson and Nadine Epstein

  1. hag says:

    you are living in a dream……several draft resolutions have been passed to draft the orthodox, yet each time it have been delayed… sooooo ….. don’t worry… the only fighting they will do is cashing their allotments,
    and just today… they have declared six cities, Israel… that means more seats in the Knesset and more money.. and more votes
    (and I wonder when they will take the vote away from all us non jews… that is reform, conservative and secular)

  2. hag says:

    more thoughts… after thinking about what just said above… I am rather glad that this break has occurred… I am an American Jew…. not a Jewish American…I served, I vote , I pay my Taxes, and I pay for most everything. and I belong to and am active member of a Temple…

    I really don’t need some one to tell me about Kosher (ritual)…I would much rather have some 0ne tell me if the meat is clean and fit to eat…

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