This Week's Links

By | Apr 16, 2010
Arts & Culture, Latest

By Michelle Albert

  • Now that Justice John Paul Stevens, the Supreme Court’s only Protestant member, has resigned, who will take his place on the bench? The New York Times shortlisted two Jews and another Protestant.
  • Palestinians from Jerusalem and Palestinians from the West Bank who marry must live in Kufr Aqab, the equivalent of a dusty, somewhat neglected no-man’s land, though technically part of Jerusalem.
  • Jewish rapper Y-Love teamed up with beatbox star Yuri Lane to create an album with tracks for each week of Sefira, the time between Passover and Shavuot. The all-vocal album will enable Jews who do not listen to live music over those seven weeks to get their groove on.
  • South African Judge Richard Goldstone, the former head of the UN commission that investigated last year’s Gaza war, will not attend his grandson’s bar mitzvah. Jewish groups have threatened to protest outside the synagogue during the bar mitzvah if Goldstone attends.
  • The local, sustainable, organic food crowd is revamping New York’s Jewish delis, one pastrami sandwich at a time.
  • Hasidic Jews and hipsters battle for space in Brooklyn.
  • And the strangest thing to read on the internet: Holocaust fanfiction.

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