Opinion | The Elephant in the Impeachment Inquiry
With Syria in turmoil, the Kurds in flight and its own government in prolonged limbo, the last thing Israel probably wants to worry about right now is an American impeachment process.
With Syria in turmoil, the Kurds in flight and its own government in prolonged limbo, the last thing Israel probably wants to worry about right now is an American impeachment process.
Most recently, Waldman says he’s alarmed by the level of bigotry faced by Muslims—often unnoticed by those who consider themselves “persecuted” by, say, gay couples wanting wedding cakes, but who see all Muslims as terrorists and oppose the construction of mosques.
Senator Bernie Sanders gets a lot of grief for being loud. “You don’t have to yell,” Representative Tim Ryan told the senator during CNN’s second Democratic primary debate.
When Hillary Clinton ran for president, her being a woman was icing on the cake. I love icing, so I jumped into her campaign without hesitation. In 2008, I liked Barack Obama, but I felt Clinton had
This July, thousands of Ethiopian Jews participated in sit-ins, blocking main roads all over Israel with burning tires. More than 100 police officers were injured and more than 136 demonstrators arrested.
Israel has hoped throughout its history to be accepted by its neighbors, no matter how remote the prospect has seemed at times. David Ben-Gurion famously despaired of ever achieving a rapprochement with the Arabs.
“Not only do they have a right to critique Israel’s policies, they have a responsibility to do so”.
We should act with the knowledge that our criticism could be misused and misconstrued
CFAC author Paul Driessen says Jews have no responsibility to fight Climate Change, human impact is unproven.
Rabbi Arthur Waskow says Jews have a responsibility to fight climate change.
The party of Trump is a far cry from the party of Reagan. The concern of the Trump base with immigration, like the language of “America First” or the use of tropes favored by white nationalists are not issues that attract American Jews. It is early days, but I suspect the GOP’s hopes will be dashed once again.