A Wide-Open Conversation with Activist Natan Sharansky and Historian Gil Troy about Prison, Politics and the Jewish People

Prison, Politics and the Jewish People with Activist Natan Sharansky and Historian Gil Troy

Natan Sharansky and Gil Troy, coauthors of their recently released book Never Alone: Prison, Politics and My People are in conversation with Moment Deputy Editor Sarah Breger. Sharansky is a former political prisoner in the Soviet Union who went on to become an Israeli politician. Troy is an American presidential historian and leading Zionist activist.

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Opinion | Returning A Mensch to the White House

“In this age of pandemics and polarization, it may be hard to envision. But it’s not a mystery. Someone who prizes decency and embodies dignity. Someone who exercises empathy and exhibits patience and understanding. Someone who lives, breathes and acts on the basic beliefs which are unique to Jewish tradition and universal in application—to pursue justice, welcome the stranger, open your hand and your heart to the needy and love your neighbor.”

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The Four Key Players in Israel’s Annexation Debate

What are the chances of this dramatic step actually taking place? Is this an inevitable result of the new government formed or yet another election-promise bound to be discarded as campaign rhetoric makes way to reality?

It all depends on four key players, their motivation, and their ability to influence the course of events.

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