After Abbas: A Special Report
Moment spoke to four analysts about possible scenarios in the post-Abbas era, and examined the legacy of his years of leadership of a fractured, occupied and armed Palestinian body politic.
After Abbas | An Interview With Menachem Klein
Menachem Klein is a professor of political science and senior lecturer at Bar-Ilan University who served as an advisor to Prime Minister Ehud Barak in...
After Abbas | An Interview With Itamar Marcus
Itamar Marcus is a researcher and the founder of Palestinian Media Watch, which studies Palestinian society by monitoring and analyzing its media. He is a...
An Interview With Khalil Shikaki
Khalil Shikaki is the director of the Palestinian Center for Policy and Research and a professor of political science, currently serving as a senior fellow...
‘If the Government Can Survive One Week, It’ll Survive a Month’: An Interview with Michael Oren
In a Moment Zoominar on Tuesday, historian and former Israeli ambassador to the United States Michael Oren, who also served as a member of Israel’s...
Jo Kent Katz on the Continuing Impact of Ancestral Trauma
It takes a lot for me to trust that someone knows about, or cares about, the survival of my people. And I need to hear it, and I need to hear it several times, in order to quell the fear that I have inside of me that says that they don’t care, they don’t have our backs, and that we could all just be annihilated and that would be better according to whoever they are.
Jerome Segal, Jewish Founder of the Bread and Roses Party, on His Presidential Run
Moment editorial fellow Lilly Gelman sat down with third-party presidential candidate Segal to discuss his history, decision to run, campaign and political philosophy.
Simon Henderson Q&A: Qatar’s Outsized Role in the Middle East
"Qatar does not support Hamas, Qatar supports the Palestinians,” Qatari Foreign Minister Dr. Khalid Al Attiyah declared in a CNN interview that aired this week. Yet some questions...
Internet Round-Up: Who Does #BringBackOurBoys Really Help?
International shock and anger resounded after last week’s kidnapping of three Israeli youths in the West Bank, widely attributed to Hamas and deemed a “despicable...
Opinion: Gilad Shalit’s Negotiator, Gershon Baskin
On October 18 we mark two years from the remarkable day when the world waited with great anticipation to see Gilad Shalit stride from captivity...
No Gaga Here: Extreme Summer Camps in the Middle East
By Rebecca Borison
While I grew up at a Jewish summer camp playing Gaga, kids growing up in slightly (read: very) different areas than me are...