Moment Fiction // Cuba
1936: He has been called “distinguished gentleman” and “filthy Jew”; the former is better, of course. Turn by turn he has been treated with civility or contempt.
1936: He has been called “distinguished gentleman” and “filthy Jew”; the former is better, of course. Turn by turn he has been treated with civility or contempt.
We should learn from our sages.
Religious Jews should be first in line to help today’s refugees and strangers.
American Jews and American Muslims have had a lot of reasons lately to come together. But often when these two communities join forces, whether for joint action or for dialogue, there’s an elephant in the room—a pachyderm with a Palestinian on it.
Trump and Netanyahu have joined forces, and we won’t be able to overcome the one without overcoming the other. Resistance to one of this Tweedle-dum and Tweedle-dumber twinset requires resistance to the other.
A Moment Symposium with Sarah Bunin Benor,David Biale, Steven M. Cohen, Alan Cooperman, Arnold Dashefsky, Anita Diamant, Sylvia Barack Fishman, Samuel Heilman, William Helmreich, Bethamie Horowitz, Ari Y. Kelman, Barry A. Kosmin, Sergio della Pergola, Leonard Saxe, Ira Sheskin, Arnon Soffer
Tikkun olam promises much and demands comparatively little in the way of sacrifice. This is its greatest strength and, perhaps, its major weakness.
The days of shame about living in America are over. But can this diverse group of immigrants hold onto their culture? And is there a chance that they can become a unified political voice?
“The person in my role has always had a very simple job description: Protect the Jewish people.”
In an election year, only four of our top stories concerned American politics. Instead, our readers sought out stories about culture, history and complex ideological divides. But most of all, our readers wanted to learn about people.
After Donald Trump gave his victory speech in the early-morning hours of Nov. 9, we asked readers a few questions: How do you feel? What does the future look like? What will it mean to be Jewish in Trump’s America?
Born in Soviet Ukraine, Steven Volynets immigrated to the United States as a child. He turned to literature after several years as a journalist. Moment spoke with him about his new story, his childhood in Russia and his evolution as a writer.