Sandy Mallin (NV): ‘I Don’t Even Know What Honesty Is Anymore’

Sandy Mallin
By | Jan 08, 2020

Sandra Mallin (76), a Republican from Las Vegas, NV, worked in Jewish philanthropy for 40 years, including as campaign chair of the Jewish Federation of Nevada and president of the board at Temple Beth Sholom. She is married to Stanley Mallin, 96, who developed and subsequently sold Caesars Palace and Circus Circus on the Las Vegas strip. Together, the couple founded The Sandra and Stanley Mallin Early Childhood Center in Las Vegas.

We are providing the unfiltered opinions of voters interviewed for this project. Those views are based on their understanding and perception of facts and information from a range of sources. In some cases, that information may be misleading or incorrect.

Do you believe Trump is honest?

On issues that count. His campaign promises are being fulfilled—the economy is great and our reputation around the world is stronger now. Well, it was at least until the impeachment nonsense started.

Are truthfulness and honesty key qualities for in deciding candidates to support?

It’s complicated because none of them are truthful. They’re all over the place. I don’t even know what honesty is anymore. There is no bar for honesty. There’s no definition of honesty in politics. 

Have the impeachment proceedings hurt or improved Trump’s chances for re-election?

I think they improved his chances because they exposed what a farce it is. The impeachment inquiries were a blot on our country. Judicial procedures were thrown out. It was just like a banana republic. The effort to impeach Trump started in 2016 and won’t end until 2024. 

Do you think any of the Democratic candidates had a particularly strong performance in the November debate?

Amy Klobuchar! She is the only candidate who appeared to be pro capitalism.

Which Democratic candidate(s) do you think will give Trump the greatest challenge for re-election?

None of them. Their policies are too far out of the mainstream. They will go even further out of the mainstream as they pander to their base.

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