Sandra Mallin (NV): ‘The Biased Media Also Plays a Part’

Sandy Mallin
By | Mar 04, 2020

Sandra Mallin (76), a Republican from Las Vegas, NV, worked in Jewish philanthropy for 40 years, including as campaign chair of the Jewish Federation of Nevada and president of the board at Temple Beth Sholom. She is married to Stanley Mallin, 96, who developed and subsequently sold Caesars Palace and Circus Circus on the Las Vegas strip. Together, the couple founded The Sandra and Stanley Mallin Early Childhood Center in Las Vegas.

We are providing the unfiltered opinions of voters interviewed for this project. Those views are based on their understanding and perception of facts and information from a range of sources. In some cases, that information may be misleading or incorrect.

How concerned are you about the rise of anti-Semitism in this country?

Naturally, I am very concerned. I guess that every time you relax your watch on anti-Semitism and make excuses for why people do and say what they do, it just gets worse. It encourages violence.

Do you think the problem is being addressed adequately by the presidential candidates?

Just the fact that the presidential candidates have embraced the hard left and groups like J Street, lends credibility to anti-Israel/anti-Semitism. 

Do any of the Democratic or Republican candidates stand out for you as particularly strong or weak on this issue?

I think President Trump’s record speaks for itself. It is obvious that he has supported Israel and Jewish causes for the past three years unequivocally; he doesn’t flinch. 

What would you like to see the candidates and our political leaders saying about anti-Semitism and how to fight it?

Actions speak louder than words. When Representative Ilhan Omar said, “It’s all about the Benjamins,” there was a huge outcry. People expected Congress to tackle this anti-Semitic rhetoric and then all they did was water it down. There should have been a simple, stand-alone rebuke stating that this is not good; this is not right; this has to stop. Instead, they mixed it up with every other supposedly anti-gay, anti-black, anti-everything crime. The House passed a resolution to condemn every form of bigotry and put it in one package, rather than having the strong will to just call out anti-Semitism for what it was, and that’s very scary.

Some people believe the far-right, fueled by President Trump’s rhetoric, is primarily responsible for the rise in anti-Semitism. Others believe the far left, exemplified by the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement and comments made by members of the so-called squad in Congress, are the key instigators. What do you think?

I cannot even dignify the question because that “far-right” is so small and it’s blown out of proportion. The far left, the BDS movement, J Street and the “squad” have the megaphone. They are fueling it. Why would anybody put President Trump in that category when all of his actions show the opposite? He’s not anti-Semitic and he’s not anti-Israel. It’s just ridiculous.

Do you think any other factors are fueling anti-Semitism?

The biased media also plays a part. The New York Times has a history of burying these issues on the back page.

Is there anything else you’d like to share with us?

I feel that any time groups are delegitimized, it fuels anti-Semitism. This is how it begins. That’s how it started in Nazi Germany. I am referring to people who are criticized for their opinions and for supporting the president; they are being called anti-Semites because they support this man. They are constantly being called rednecks and criticized for not being college graduates. They are being delegitimized. That’s how the Nazis rose to power—by delegitimizing a segment of the society—the Jews, the gypsies, as well as other groups. I think people are entitled to their opinions. It’s like I said in our first interview—there is a civil war—and here it is. 


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