Sander Eizen (MI): ‘Some Republicans Will Be Crossing the Party Line’

Sander Eizen
By | Jan 08, 2020

Sander Eizen (21), a Republican from Ann Arbor, MI, grew up in a Modern Orthodox household in Oak Park, MI. He attended Jewish day school starting in nursery school and went to an Orthodox Zionist sleepaway camp. At the University of Michigan, he attends events at Hillel and the Jewish Resource Center, and lives in a house with eight students who come from Modern Orthodox or “Conservadox” backgrounds.

We are providing the unfiltered opinions of voters interviewed for this project. Those views are based on their understanding and perception of facts and information from a range of sources. In some cases, that information may be misleading or incorrect.

Is it possible for Democrats and Republicans to ever agree on the facts around the president’s actions?

No. The hyper-partisanship and “cult of personality” around Trump will not allow for Republicans and Democrats to come together on this issue. However, I do believe that some Republicans will be crossing the party line in the coming months.

Do the impeachment proceedings hurt or improve Trump’s chances for re-election?

I think they help his chances. The media gave him $1 billion of free media in 2016 and are well on their way to passing that with the impeachment hearings.

Which Democratic candidate(s) do you think will give Trump the greatest challenge for re-election?

If he were to make it as the nominee, Mike Bloomberg could give him a real run. I would have liked for Bloomberg to have announced months ago and to have ran in 2016. Part of me thinks Pete Buttigieg and Andrew Yang would fare well against him in a debate if they got more aggressive in their stances. Joe Biden on paper should be the best bet against Trump, but I think Trump would embarrass him in the debates.

Which Democratic candidate(s) do you think will give Trump the best chance for re-election?

Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. They are far too left for America. The Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee salivate every time they open their mouths.

Are truthfulness and honesty key qualities for you in deciding which presidential candidate to support?

Yes—this is the most powerful office in the world, and I would like for America to continue to be respected on the world stage. With the growth of social media and our ability to interact with the presidency, truthfulness and honesty will allow the president to stay out of needless controversy.

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