Ruth Kantrowitz (WI): ‘Everyone Needs to Gain Respect and Learn to Listen’

Ruth Kantrowitz
By | Jun 10, 2020

Ruth Kantrowitz (42), a Republican from Mequon, WI, immigrated to the U.S. from Israel in 1989 at age 13 when her family won the green card lottery. She calls herself a “very liberal conservative” who supports both abortion and gun rights. Kantrowitz carried twins for a New York gay couple. She voted twice for President Barack Obama, but says his presidency pushed her to become a Republican because of “handouts” and “immigrants living off tax dollars.”

We are providing the unfiltered opinions of voters interviewed for this project. Those views are based on their understanding and perception of facts and information from a range of sources. In some cases, that information may be misleading or incorrect.

What are your reactions to the protests occurring across the country? They are shameful and wrong. 

What are your reactions to the looting, curfews and the police response of pepper spray, rubber bullets and arrests? The police are doing what they have to do. Looting is illegal and all needed force should be used to stop it.

What do you think about the call to “defund” police departments? It’s a joke.   

Have you participated in any demonstrations? I have not because too many are turning violent. I would happily support protests within the law. I’ve not been concerned about COVID since it started and have not practiced the recommendations because I find them silly.  

How do you think the president has handled this crisis? How has Joe Biden handled this crisis? The president has handled this the best way possible. Joe Biden needs to retire peacefully and leave politics.  

Have the events that have taken place over the last week changed your views on the upcoming Presidential election? Yes. I had some hesitation that Trump wouldn’t be re-elected but now I feel very confident that he will.

Do you think recent events will push people to one candidate or the other? Absolutely, Republican. Democrats have lost their minds.   

Is there anything else you would like to share with us? There needs to be a country-wide movement to sit down and break bread between cops and residents, blacks and whites, different religions, and political parties. Everyone needs to gain respect and learn to listen.

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