Voters Disagree on Administration’s Response to Coronavirus, but Agree on Seriousness of the Crisis
Ultra-Orthodox Communities See Israel’s New Social Cohesion as a Threat
Recipes from a Quarantined Cook | Lentil Kale Tomato Stew
Moment will post a new recipe every day. Each recipe has been chosen for children 10 and over (under 10, please cook with a grownup!) and each will offer variations for dietary needs and palette. Every recipe will take less than 30 minutes to prepare and less than three hours to cook.
Jewish Objects Project Round-up
“I’m not materialistic, but I believe in the power of things to evoke people, places, days of one’s life.” These words inspired us to launch the Jewish Objects Project, where we asked Moment readers to share photos and stories of things that inspire meaning and memories of their own. Below is a collection of some of our favorites.
Beshert | This Isn’t What I Ordered
“I dreamed of certain outcomes. But it’s the ones I didn’t see coming that feel exactly right—beshert.”
COVID-19 Causes Israelis to Play by the Rules
Israel was one of the first countries to respond quickly and sternly to the pandemic. Internationally, it was one of the first countries to shut ourselves off from the rest of the world. Foreigners are almost completely forbidden from entering the country and there are almost no flights in or out. International conferences and gatherings have been cancelled.
Natan Sharansky’s Advice for Coronavirus Isolation
Sharansky, the refusnik who spent nine years in a Soviet prison, gives advice for those facing self-quarantine.
Felipe Goodman (NV): ‘Each One of the Parties Has to Deal With Their Own Ghosts’
“I don’t think that the President is directly responsible for anti-Semitism. I really don’t. I think that certain things he does allows the far right to act with impunity.”
The Haggadah: A Book of Beloved Imperfections
The Passover Haggadah could hardly be more different from the Torah. A Torah scroll is housed in a synagogue.
Talk of the Table | Rice and Beans for Passover?
Conservative rabbi Amy Levin always makes lentil soup on Passover—but never in her grandmother’s pots.
Poem | Afikomen
I’ve written the soup, the parting of the sea, the savage plagues and the candles