Anti-Judaism Anti-Semitism and Delegitimizing Israel novel

Book Review // Anti-Judaism, Antisemitism and Delegitimizing Israel

At the end of the 19th century, European liberals and Zionists developed diametrically opposite strategies for dealing with the menace posed by anti-Semitism. Committed to the full integration of the Jews into the diverse societies in which they lived, the liberals tried to combat Jew-hatred through education and political action…

Book Review // Here I Am by Jonathan Safran Foer

Review by Geraldine Brooks // The greater part, the best part, the sometimes brilliant part of Jonathan Safran Foer’s new novel Here I Am takes place in this moment between that crunch of impact and inevitable fragmentation. What’s at stake is a marriage. The crunch of impact is the moment when a wife finds her husband’s secret second cellphone and reads the graphic sexual messages it contains…