Nina Stanley (OH): ‘I’m Scared This Is Going to Backfire’

Nina Jacobs Stanley
By | Jan 08, 2020

Nina Stanley (68) is a Democrat from Cincinnati, OH. Her “very liberal” leanings haven’t budged since May 4, 1970, when bullets fired by the Ohio National Guard struck down four fellow students at Kent State University during the Vietnam War protest. “I was shot at. A friend pushed me down. I had never heard gunfire in my life and had no idea they were using live ammunition. When I got up, I said something like, ‘I didn’t know blanks could do that to you.’”

We are providing the unfiltered opinions of voters interviewed for this project. Those views are based on their understanding and perception of facts and information from a range of sources. In some cases, that information may be misleading or incorrect.

What are your thoughts on the impeachment process?

I’m not happy with it. Trump deserves to be impeached and removed, but those with direct knowledge didn’t testify. I’m scared this is going to backfire. People don’t care and they don’t understand that what Trump did is so bad. Republicans in the Senate aren’t stupid; they know what he did is wrong. They don’t care about this country. If he’s elected again, the whole face of the country is going to change. It’s not going to be the same for our kids.

Are truthfulness and honesty key qualities for you in deciding which presidential candidate to support?

Yes, we have a lying president now. Who wouldn’t want honesty? It’s beyond comprehension what’s going on. All politicians make promises they can’t keep. That happens, but they don’t make up fantasy stories.

Which Democratic candidate(s) do you think will give Trump the greatest challenge for re-election?

Joe Biden because he is well liked in the important rust belt.

Which Democratic candidate(s) do you think will give Trump the best chance for re-election?

Elizabeth Warren. I do not think she can carry the Midwest.

Do you believe the candidate(s) you support are honest?

Yes, they have excellent reputations. Trump has lied throughout his whole business career. None of them has done anything like that. We’re not a strong nation in the world anymore, no one looks to us. The economy is only good for those of us with money in the stock market.

Is there anything else you would like to share with us?

I am sick over the Republican response to the impeachment hearings, and the online harassment of the witnesses. Now they’re finding out more with the new emails (showing the White House telling the Pentagon to hold up military aid to Ukraine and not talk publicly about it). He can’t hold up the money Congress appropriated for Ukraine; that’s against the law. It’s so wrong. Gee whiz, you learn that when you’re a little kid.

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