Subscribe to Monthly Newsletters! Traveler Books & Culture Eater Funny Insider May 2017 5/30/17 What does Trump’s visit mean for Israel? 5/23/17 Defining moments in Israeli history 5/16/17 A Ku-Klux-Klan banner shocks a small town 5/9/17 Martin Luther’s anti-Semitic legacy 5/2/17 Is normalization normal? April 2017 4/25/17 The rabbi who tracked down Nazis 4/19/17 Eight questions for Jon Ossoff 4/13/17 Why Alan Alda wrote his own Haggadah March 2017 3/28/17 Can Feminism and Zionism go together? 3/21/17 Gloria Steinem: “If Women Don’t Have Freedom, There is no Democracy” 3/14/17 Is democracy broken? 3/7/17 A Syrian family in Trump’s America February 2017 2/28/17 Elor Azaria is not my son 2/21/17 What will the Jewish world look like in 2050? 2/14/17 Trump and Netanyahu are similar 2/7/17 Who are the new Israeli-Americans? January 207 1/31/17 Is it the job of rabbis to fight intermarriage? 1/24/17 Truth and history unravel in Poland 1/17/17 Think Trump’s the end of the world? Look to Reagan’s presidency 1/10/17 How the Jews of Whitefish, Montana became a target