Morsi’s Anti-Semitic Slurs: What They Really Mean

By | Jan 16, 2013


The White House went on the offensive and condemned Egypt after videos of president Mohamed Morsi’s anti-Semitic slurs went public.


In the videos, Morsi described Israelis as “descendants of apes and pigs” and also urged Egyptians to “nurse our children and our grandchildren on hatred” for Jews and Zionists.


Jay Carney, Obama’s press secretary, called the slurs “deeply offensive” and said that State Department officials in Cairo were discussing the issue with Egyptian officials. “This type of rhetoric is unacceptable in a democratic Egypt,” Carney also said. “It is counter to peace.”


Moment gives its readers a look into Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood its current issue. Click here to read “Inside Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood” to learn more about the movement’s secretive origins, its stance on female circumcision, and what a Morsi government means for the future of Egyptian-Israeli relations.



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