Moment’s Halloween Edition!

By | Oct 31, 2012

A Halloween Sneak Peek

For Halloween, get a special preview of Moment’s November/December issue and read about dybbuks, spirits of the dead that haunt the living. The phenomenon of being overcome by an otherworldly spirit has a long history in Judaism. In the book of Samuel, David rids King Saul of “a spirit of melancholy from God” by playing his harp. The idea of dybbuk gained traction in the 16th century, when kabbalah promulgated ideas about the afterlife.


Should Jewish Children Celebrate Halloween?

American kids and adults love Halloween, and American Jews are no exception. But is it kosher? Read the wide-ranging and sometimes surprising answers to this question in Moment’s “Ask the Rabbis” section.


Jews and Zombies

With kids and parents across the country designing costumes, planning parties, and fortifying candy supplies, Halloween may seem an unlikely time to start pondering Judaism. But does Judaism have anything to say about Halloween’s glorification of blood and gore, of demons and the living dead? Can Jews learn from zombies?

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