Leah Kiser: A Trump Election Would Mortally Wound Democracy

"If Trump wins, I will have to send at least two of my kids—one is gay and one is trans— out of the country immediately, and then try to figure out how to follow myself. "

JPVP 2024
Woman with short hair and pink glasses
By | Sep 17, 2024

This interview is part of Moment’s Jewish Political Voices Project. To learn more about the project, click here. To see our other participants, click here. To see all posts from Leah, click here.

Age: 55
Occupation: Bookkeeper

Location: Lexington, KY
Party Registration: Democratic
Jewish Denomination: Conservative, ordained Kohenet
2020 Vote: Joe Biden
Current 2024 Vote: Kamala Harris
Family: Married, 3 children
News Sources: JTA, Moment, CBS, Al Jazeera, NPR

What most excites you about the prospect of a Harris presidency?

I’m excited that we’ll be able to finally get some progressive and fair legislation enacted, hopefully. She’s not a left-left-leftist, but she’s definitely more amenable to Democratic Socialist positions than Biden is as a centrist.

What most worries you about a Trump administration?

If Trump wins, I will have to send at least two of my kids—one is gay and one is trans— out of the country immediately, and then try to figure out how to follow myself. 

Which candidate do you think would be better for the Jews of Israel?

I still think Harris would be, even though she will insist on a cease-fire. It’s not like I want war, but I want the objectives to be achieved, and I’m sure her administration will push for a cease-fire even if the hostages are not all returned, even if Hamas is still entrenched, literally, in Gaza, and really nothing’s been accomplished.

Are you concerned about antisemitism in the United States?

Certainly, but if Trump is elected and he does some of the stuff he’s been talking about, people are going to have much bigger things to worry about than what the Jews are doing this week. Especially if he starts deporting non-Christians and immigrants and others like he says he’s going to.

On the other hand, if Trump wins, I think the most extreme elements of MAGA and QAnon will have a field day against Jews, trying to close Jewish facilities and forcing us all to move to Israel to fulfill their end times. This is after they get bored harassing all the LGBTQ people and immigrants and Muslims.

Are you concerned about the future of democracy in the United States and political violence post-election?

I think democracy is going to be mortally wounded if Trump is elected. I mean, he and his acolytes intend to essentially restrict voting, almost to the original constitutional idea of only allowing white landowning wealthy dudes to vote. Certainly, they’re going out of their way to figure out how to disenfranchise people, and once they’ve got free reign, the courts are just going to look the other way.

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