Jeff Solomon: October 7 Increased his Support of Biden

"[October 7] reconfirmed the belief I had before October 7—that I was for Biden. And I think Biden has done extraordinarily well since October 7."
By | Apr 16, 2024
JPVP 2024
Man in a suit with a red tie with short, white hair and beard

This interview is part of Moment’s Jewish Political Voices Project. To learn more about the project, click here. To see our other participants, click here. To see all posts from Jeff, click here.

Age: 78
Occupation: Retired foundation director

Location: Miami, FL
Party Registration: Democratic
Jewish Denomination: Post denominational
Current 2024 Vote: Joe Biden
2020 Vote: Joe Biden
Family: Married; one son, two grandchildren
News Sources: The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Miami Herald, CNN, The Washington Post, Haaretz, Times of Israel and Associated Press

How have the October 7 terror attacks influenced your politics?

It reconfirmed the belief I had before October 7—that I was for Biden. And I think Biden has done extraordinarily well since October 7.

Are you concerned that some people won’t accept the results of the election?

I think it’ll be a true measure of the popular will. There still may be controversy over the results. Certainly in 2020 it was a true measure. The results were not in doubt as demonstrated in 61 court cases, and yet if one listens to some news sources, it’s still a matter of debate. I think there’s a strong possibility that there will be controversy over the results.

What issues are important to people in your community?

I live in a blue city in a red state, and so most of my friends and acquaintances feel comfortable because it’s a blue city. Many, including myself, are embarrassed by the governor of the state and much of the legislation that has been passed in recent years. 

What do you think of Biden’s performance as president?

I think his performance has been extraordinary. He has brought together, in a very contentious environment, compromises on things like the infrastructure bill. He and his cabinet’s handling of inflation seems to be nothing less than brilliant. Nobody believed there could be a soft landing. His foreign affairs commitments from Ukraine to Israel are very much doing the right thing. I would be more excited by his candidacy if he were 20 years younger, but I’m very excited by what he’s been able to do as president.

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